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Showing posts from October, 2023

Snapchat AI VS. ChatGPT

Snapchat's Logo and OpenAI's Logo (Graphic by Android Headlines) Artificial intelligence is not my strong suit. I am not as much of a technology buff as I once was, so I am largely out of the loop on the latest developments. But the one thing I and many others know is that artificial intelligence is a hot-button topic nowadays.  From growing up, AI was something movies taught us to be afraid of because of things like "Terminator" and "Wall-E" having the main villains be AIs. But as I got older I learned that we are (probably) decades away from the level those AI are at being the norm. So for now we have the next best thing, buggy chat bots that we ask random questions to see what they spit out. That is exactly what I decided to do for this blog. I wanted to compare the capabilities of the two most common AI models I see and hear about on the internet and amongst my friends, ChatGPT and Snapchat's AI.  ChatGPT is a widely known AI that has been praised fo

My Backpack Finally Fell Apart

We all have items we hold onto for a long time. These things cannot be destroyed easily or we refuse to let them go even if they fall apart. Whether it's a favorite jacket, childhood stuffed animal or something else of importance, we don't like getting rid of what we become attached to. Unfortunately I came across a scenario last week where I was forced to be rid of one of my longest lasting personal belongings, my high school backpack. During my childhood and due to our family business falling on hard times my family didn't have a whole lot of expendable income. We lived comfortably but we didn't spend money on unnecessarily expensive things or items that could be bought in a cheaper form. As such we made a lot of things last as long as they could. One such thing was my bookbag I had been using since 6th grade. It was this cheap Walmart brand backpack that had been worn out to its max by sophomore year of high school because my school forced us to carry around textbook

The Amelia Project: The Second Podcast I've Ever Listened To

The Amelia Project Logo / Anders N. Pedersen A couple weeks ago I made a blog on the first ever podcast drama I listened to called "Wolf 359." Well after that series was over and I had listened to all the bonus content I found myself looking for another series. So, I began scrolling through my recommendations to see if anything caught my eye. I had already had my fill of space themed stuff for a while. And that's when I found it. This ongoing series called "The Amelia Project." Congratulations. You’ve reached The Amelia Project. This phone call isn’t happening. If you’re not serious about this, hang up. Now. (PAUSE) If you continue there’s no way back. (PAUSE) Good choice. A new life awaits. You’ll hear back from us within the hour. If you don’t hear back, please consider the whole thing a hoax. Leave your message after the beep. BEEP. Above are the opening lines to almost every episode of "The Ameila Project." It is simple answering machine message th

Ranting About My Car For 480 Words

Me holding part of my car in my hand after it broke last week. Back in high school I was a big fan of sports cars. Specifically, my favorite was the Ford Mustang. Growing up many of my family members worked at Ford or with Ford vehicles so I was always around them. I appreciated the make and models because that is what I was always familiar with. When it came time to buy my own car when I was getting my license, there was one natural choice. The Ford Mustang. Of course, back then I couldn't afford the newer models or the insurance rates with them. So, I had to look backwards in time to find a model I could afford. This landed me with a 2000 Ford Mustang. This one was one of the fox body frame versions so it was a smaller mid-range car compared to the modern iterations. It was perfect for a 16-year-old like myself. On top of that it only cost me $2000 at the time. This was especially nice because of the good condition it was in and the relatively low miles it had for a car of its ag