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Ranting About My Car For 480 Words

Me holding part of my car in my hand after it broke last week.

Back in high school I was a big fan of sports cars. Specifically, my favorite was the Ford Mustang. Growing up many of my family members worked at Ford or with Ford vehicles so I was always around them. I appreciated the make and models because that is what I was always familiar with. When it came time to buy my own car when I was getting my license, there was one natural choice. The Ford Mustang.

Of course, back then I couldn't afford the newer models or the insurance rates with them. So, I had to look backwards in time to find a model I could afford. This landed me with a 2000 Ford Mustang. This one was one of the fox body frame versions so it was a smaller mid-range car compared to the modern iterations. It was perfect for a 16-year-old like myself. On top of that it only cost me $2000 at the time. This was especially nice because of the good condition it was in and the relatively low miles it had for a car of its age. 

It wasn't perfect by any means. The gas milage was bad, the tank was small, the car interior was tiny and it had this weird window tint on only the rear window. But despite all that, it was mine and I loved it. It suited all of my needs at the time. But as I got older naturally so did the car. Unfortunately, the car started racking up problems and repairs.

In the span of three years the car cost me it's value in repairs and then some. First, the transmission failed a few months after getting it. Then, my front brakes failed and had to be replaced. Finally, the engine developed multiple cracks in it causing various parts to be replaced. Even later on about a year ago my entire exhaust system backfired and destroyed itself so that cost me $1000 alone! The benefits of having this car began to outweigh the cost. 

To top it all off, last week my car's rear brakes failed and partially fell off my car. Literal chunks of it were in the road in Ada. So now I likely have to spend up to $700 to get that fixed. Thankfully I have plenty of money saved up to fix it. Most of that money was supposed to go towards buying a new car though. So now I am stuck in a spiral of either keep fixing this car to have a vehicle which I need or trying to make enough money to hopefully save up to buy a new car. 

Even with all the faults and hardships this car has brought me, I wouldn't have it any other way. Because at the end of the day I can still be happy I got my dream car as my first car.


  1. Sorry to hear that your car basically fell apart! Everything shouldn't be too hard to fix though, brakes are easy on those 2000s Mustangs. Let's hope that nothing else comes flying off!

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your car problems! $2000 is a pretty good deal for a mustang though. I have a 2008 Kia and plan on driving it until the wheels fall off!


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