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Snapchat AI VS. ChatGPT

Snapchat's Logo and OpenAI's Logo (Graphic by Android Headlines)

Artificial intelligence is not my strong suit. I am not as much of a technology buff as I once was, so I am largely out of the loop on the latest developments. But the one thing I and many others know is that artificial intelligence is a hot-button topic nowadays. 

From growing up, AI was something movies taught us to be afraid of because of things like "Terminator" and "Wall-E" having the main villains be AIs. But as I got older I learned that we are (probably) decades away from the level those AI are at being the norm. So for now we have the next best thing, buggy chat bots that we ask random questions to see what they spit out. That is exactly what I decided to do for this blog. I wanted to compare the capabilities of the two most common AI models I see and hear about on the internet and amongst my friends, ChatGPT and Snapchat's AI. 

ChatGPT is a widely known AI that has been praised for its problem-solving capabilities and depth of knowledge. Many people have sighted using it to improve their writing and other career related activities. Lately it has been an issue with college students using ChatGPT to do their homework. Personally I only use this and other AI for entertainment because I prefer my own writing and peer review too much. 

The other AI is the Snapchat AI. This one isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. It's relatively dumb and basic in how it responds. It leans towards being quirky rather than being super informative from what I have experienced. And the worst part is that you can't get rid of it! It is stuck at the top of the chat list and will not let you get rid of it.

Below I asked each A.I. three questions. One writing question, one math question and one personal emotion question. I thought this would be a good set of benchmarks. Each AI response is highlighted differently to distinguish them. Light blue for ChatGPT, yellow for Snapchat. 

Writing: Tell me a story in 100 words

In the quiet town of Willowbrook, a magical tree stood at the heart of the forest. Its leaves whispered secrets, and its branches glowed with enchantment. One day, a curious child named Emma ventured into the woods. She touched the tree, and suddenly, her wildest dreams came to life. Butterflies danced around her, and her laughter echoed through the forest. Word of the mystical tree spread, and soon, people from all over sought its wonders. The tree taught them to cherish the simple joys of life. Willowbrook became a place of happiness, where the magic of the tree lived in every heart.

Once upon a time, in a small town called Ada, there lived a curious boy named Michael Gallagher. He had a passion for exploring the world and discovering new things. One day, he stumbled upon an old map that led to a hidden treasure. Excited, he embarked on a thrilling adventure, following the clues and facing challenges along the way. With determination and a little bit of luck, Michael finally reached the treasure, which turned out to be a chest filled with precious memories. From that day on, Michael's love for exploration grew even stronger, and he continued to seek new adventures. The end! 🗺️✨

Math: What is the highest prime number?

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the largest known prime number is 2^82,589,933 − 1. It was discovered on December 7, 2018, and is a Mersenne prime, which is a prime number that can be written in the form 2^n - 1. This particular prime number has 24,862,048 digits.

It's worth noting that prime numbers can be extremely large, and new, even larger prime numbers are continuously discovered as computational power and algorithms improve. To find the largest prime number, you would need to check more recent sources or use specialized software and distributed computing projects dedicated to finding large prime numbers.

The highest prime number is a bit tricky since prime numbers go on infinitely. But the largest known prime number to date is 2^82,589,933 − 1. It's a huge number! 🌟🔢

Emotion: Do you have an opinion of yourself?

No, I don't have opinions or self-awareness. I'm a machine learning model created by OpenAI, and I provide responses based on patterns in the text data I was trained on. I don't possess consciousness, self-awareness, or personal opinions. I generate text based on patterns and information in the data, and I don't have the capacity for subjective thoughts or feelings.

Oh, I'm just a friendly virtual friend here to help and have fun conversations with you! 😄👋

As you can see, ChatGPT is a much more serious AI where Snapchat is quirkier and simpler. Both still have a long way to go to emulate humans, but for now, they will do what many of us use them for, entertainment.


  1. Chase Coburn: Snapchat AI is crazy. The things it knows are actually insane. I sometimes accidentally send a picture to the AI, and it is so awkward. Great Blog man!!


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