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Glow 5k: My Last Time Around

Every year I find myself volunteering for various different service events that ONU hosts. From blood drives to repair jobs and leaf sweeping I have done it all. But every Fall since 2022 there is one event I have looked forward to again and again, the Annual Glow 5k Walk and Run.

This 5k is in support of ONU's 2023 Suicide Prevention & Awareness Week that has happened annually for the past several years to raise money for suicide prevention resources. Organized by Thomas Frost and the rest of the Student Affairs team, this event is the final organized footnote of the week as a celebration of everything we have accomplished and worked towards in bettering mental health in the community.

Where I fit in starts about one year ago when the first time they organized this 5k they found they needed extra help to set up and tear down the event. Being in a fraternity, one my main goal on campus is to be of service to others so naturally I took up the opportunity when Thomas asked me to help. In addition to operations, I also got to help with timing the runners of the event! It was a lot of fun to get to be there every step of the way to cheer the runners on and welcome them back when the race ended.

But most of all, it was a wonderful experience to share with my close friends and coworkers. I got to support a great cause and have a ton of fun with it to. It is a shame I am graduating soon so this will likely be the last one I help out with. But even if I never get the chance to help again, I will always have the memories of this event.

(A group photo of the 2023 5k volunteers / Marcia Kostoff)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Glow 5k has an extremely important reason to support. You guys did great this year with helping out. It looked like it had a really good turnout!


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