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ONU Blog: The Next Step...

My New President's Pin

As of writing this blog we are less than 2 weeks away from finals week here at Ohio Northern University. Coming off of the relaxing high of Thanksgiving break, for some this period of time can either be an uphill battle or a crash to the finish. But either way this semester is coming to a close. With that comes a lot of new changes and the end of some eras. For me there are a lot of things that fall under that category, but the one that I want to talk about today is a big change in my life. I am now the President of Phi Mu Delta!

 This has been a change I have been anxious for a long time. Taking leadership is one thing, but accepting it in a difficult time in another. My fraternity has undergone some changes lately that have unfortunately hurt morale overall. Now I am coming into my leadership when it is now my responsibility to ease the frustration over those recent events. On top of that, my fraternity has a large older base of members who are going alum earlier then I had anticipated. Meaning that now I have less older experienced people to rely on. 

Don't get me wrong, I am very excited to be in this position and it's an honor to be the leader of a fraternity. Honestly if I went to a bigger school like I had originally planned this likely wouldn't be possible. I've devoted a lot of time and energy into this organization and some of my best friends came from that. Being apart of a group has always been a part of who I am. I'm the kind of person who wants to have a cause, to fight for something bigger than myself. Phi Mu Delta granted me that. It's just hard becoming a leader at a low point. My mental health is doing okay considering it's almost dead week. But it's sometimes hard not to feel nervous, scared, or even like I have already failed at something that just started.

As time goes on though I'm sure my anxiety will fade. I may not be super close with every member of my fraternity but I trust them and I trust their devotion to one another. Hopefully that serves us well.

(Sidenote: It's weird this blog assignment is almost over. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about blogging, but to be honest it's not that bad! Maybe I'll continue this in some form, treat it like a journal.)


  1. It is honorable! Sometimes being a leader of any community is stressful and not easy but there would be many things to learn from being it. I have experienced a leader before and I struggled with a lot but I learned and grew up. I hope you will enjoy being a leader!

  2. That is such an accomplishment to become president! It not only takes a certain level of dedication but also takes a leader to become that. It may be difficult to adjust immediately but remember that no one is 100% prepared when they start a new position. I am sure you will do great and lead Phi Mu Delta well!

  3. Its an honorable achievement to be the president of a fraternity. Being under major stress and still overcoming that is another honorable achievement in itself. That is awesome, congratulations.

  4. Congratulations on becoming president of PMD Micheal. That is a huge accomplishment and I know you will do great things there! You will learn how to become a better leader through this experience.


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