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Chapter 13: Social Media Marketing Campaigns

 Within the realm of social media advertisement there are multiple forms of delivery for sending ads and other marketing material out to the internet at large. But when a company decides to focus their efforts on one goal in a coordinated manner through their platforms, this results in the social media marketing campaign. 

Social media marketing campaigns are described in the book as directed efforts to unify outward communication to a specific business or marketing goal. Many types of marketing campaigns exist, but as of late, social-only campaigns have become the majority of the market. This is interesting to me because I never noticed this. Most of the time when I am traveling (which is semi-frequently) I see a billboard or magazine ad for something I've seen online ads for. This also could be my own unawareness of what goes on outside of my normal driving routes.

Like funnel-style marketing, social media marketing campaigns follow a funnel model of operation called AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). This model is created to maximize the effectiveness of each post and advertisement. Attention is the first step to get them to stop scrolling and look at what you have to offer. Interest builds on this by leading them to more and more information and benefits to sticking with this brand and its marketing. Building desire solidifies their engagement with the campaign and participate in purchasing what the marketer has to offer. Action is the final step and how the campaign can organically grow through having people who participated in the previous three steps spread their own word about it, possibly rewarding them in the process. 

All social media marketing campaigns come in different styles and depths. Some are straight forward and include visuals consistent across all socials, others are diverse and are hard to tell whether or not they come from the same campaign. But in the end they all hold the same goal of targeted customer engagement through focused effort.



ONU Blog: I Made Fudge!

 So if you know me well you'd know that I like to cook and bake. And if you don't know me...well now you know I like to cook. I can't always cook with my schedule and lack of money, but when I can I love to make complex and rewarding dishes. Salmon cakes, roasted Brussel sprouts, garlic crusted mac & cheese and more. But above all else I have a sweet tooth and love to make desserts. One of my favorite desserts to make is fudge. Fudge is a very simple recipe but highly modifiable and enjoyable. Many recipes mark themselves as "3 ingredient fudge" where the only ingredients are chocolate, condensed milk, and vanilla. While this basic combination is delicious on its own there is much more depth to be added. And that is half the fun of cooking and baking, experimenting! Try adding ingredients you would use in other recipes like brown sugar or almond extract. Or try something wild like lemon juice or potato chips. I've tried multiple combos both "original

ONU Blog: Live Coverage of Homecoming Football

 Over the weekend I had the pleasure of being in the best seat in the house for ONU's homecoming football game. I work for the team filming clips and plays for review at a later date. Because of that I get to stand in the scoreboard endzone and see plays head-on. I can also zoom in and see plays up close with my special camera.  My viewpoint from the endzone So with this in mind I decided to live tweet the event from my viewpoint! I could get in close and see everything in more detail than anybody. This was an interesting challenge as I had to quickly swap between using the camera and tweeting while making sure I didn't miss a play. In the end I was able to tweet a lot more than I thought I could and get coverage for every single quarter to Twitter. I hope I can find more opportunities to do something like this in the future. If you want to see my string of live tweets, check out my school Twitter account below.

ONU Blog: It's The Little Things

I have always been one to appreciate little things. Tiny gifts? Love 'em. Small dogs? They have my heart. Bite-sized snacks? Easy pick. Short people? They're more on my level becasue I'm short for a guy! But what I more mean by "little things" is small details about everyday life. Things that people don't always pay attention to much. Those things mean the world to me.  When you're the kind of person who always try's to acknowledge the smallest details, when someone does the same it means so much. That is the boat I'm in. Many people I've met simply try to see the big picture of it all and leave the small things to be smoothed over. But when I approach something I try to take it piece by piece. Each piece may be small, but with time those small pieces make something big! It takes more time than blanket approach attitudes, but I've always been a "quality over quantity" person. For example, gifts. Big and impressive gifts are nice a