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Social Media Issues: Memes and Us

Below you will find my latest episode of my accompanying podcast to this blog site, The Sounds of Gallagher. Today I discussed social media and memes with Dr. Shane Tilton. Dr. Tilton is an accredited author of multiple books and research papers. The most recent of which being Meme Life. He's a professor at Ohio Northern University and teaches his media knowledge through multiple courses of his own design. Here are some of the questions I asked him in our interview: 

What is the extent of your experience with social media? 

What is a "meme" and what kind of role does it play in digital culture?

Is there a difference between a "meme" and a memetic piece of media?

According to Research done by Scott Atran with HAL Open Science, memes are more about inference in the mind than imitation of reality. Why do you think this is true or false?

In the same research document by Scott Atran, memes are often referred to as being able to evolve. In what way have you seen this happen?

What are some issues that you have seen conveyed through memes? Have memes caused social media issues?

Where do you think meme culture is leading social media towards next?

Any final remarks?

To listen to the podcast, follow this link to my Anchor site.


  1. I enjoyed listening to the podcast and thought you asked some good questions and got some really in depth answers. I thought Dr. Tilton's answers were very informative and well thought out.

  2. I agree with Lucas that the questions you asked were great and received some great answers! I am a person who loves Memes! I use them for everything so seeing them grow in popularity makes me so happy!

  3. This was an awesome listen, I liked the questions that were asked and Dr. Tilton is very knowledgeable on the subject. He went really in depth on a lot of the questions and I really appreciated that from him.


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