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ONU Residence Life Perspective: Power Outages on Campus

Today something happened on ONU's campus that is abnormal. We experienced a power outage. But this was no ordinary power outage, this one was campus-wide. That is a rare occurrence around here due to all the fail safes and modularity of the ONU power grid. Normally this would be a write off occurrence as a lot of what I do is not reliant on power and I can be patient enough for power to come back on. But today was different becasue this was my first power outage as a member of ONU Res Life.

As a member of Res Life my duty is to watch over my residents of my residence hall and ensure their comfort and safety. That, and be a filter for every single one of their concerns when something bothersome or unusual arises. That concern today was the big power outage in the middle of the afternoon when everybody is doing homework. 

As soon as the the power went out multiple things began to happen simultaneously such as:

  • I began to get multiple calls and texts from my residents saying the power was out
  • My co-workers began to get multiple calls and texts from residents saying the power was out
  • The main Res Life office began to get multiple calls and texts from residents saying the power was out
  • Physical Plant, ONU's maintenance team, began to get multiple calls from residents saying the power was out and asking when it would be back on (immediately after the power went off)
  • Some residents contacted the Senior RA and asked for a work order to be filled that their outlet or light was broken
  • And many more events in various buildings on campus
Now I was in the middle of painting a rock outside when the power went out so I was unaware until my phone began to blow up with some of the things I mentioned above. After the training we do at the beginning of the semester it is easy to switch between my student hat and my Res Life hat. So immediately jumped to deal with the wave of concern that was washing over my phone by answering questions and messaging my team to figure out what the deal was. While that was happening I walked inside to check with the Res Life office and the entire time I was there the phone didn't stop ringing with the same question at the end of call "When will the power be back on?"

Within 15 minutes we had the situation mostly handled and messages out to our residents explaining the issue. I entirely expected to deal with this kind of "widespread panic" as a part of Res Life. But nothing will ever prepare you for when it actually happens. Although this was a minor incident, the wave of calls and general unrest was a surprising thing to experience on the receiving end. The job is super rewarding in more ways than one, but these times of student unrest can be a doozy. So let this be a cautionary tale; When your power goes out, try not to panic call the campus staff and check with your peers first to see if it is just you or the entire campus. Thank you.

A representation of the student body when the power goes out



ONU Blog: I Made Fudge!

 So if you know me well you'd know that I like to cook and bake. And if you don't know me...well now you know I like to cook. I can't always cook with my schedule and lack of money, but when I can I love to make complex and rewarding dishes. Salmon cakes, roasted Brussel sprouts, garlic crusted mac & cheese and more. But above all else I have a sweet tooth and love to make desserts. One of my favorite desserts to make is fudge. Fudge is a very simple recipe but highly modifiable and enjoyable. Many recipes mark themselves as "3 ingredient fudge" where the only ingredients are chocolate, condensed milk, and vanilla. While this basic combination is delicious on its own there is much more depth to be added. And that is half the fun of cooking and baking, experimenting! Try adding ingredients you would use in other recipes like brown sugar or almond extract. Or try something wild like lemon juice or potato chips. I've tried multiple combos both "original

ONU Blog: Live Coverage of Homecoming Football

 Over the weekend I had the pleasure of being in the best seat in the house for ONU's homecoming football game. I work for the team filming clips and plays for review at a later date. Because of that I get to stand in the scoreboard endzone and see plays head-on. I can also zoom in and see plays up close with my special camera.  My viewpoint from the endzone So with this in mind I decided to live tweet the event from my viewpoint! I could get in close and see everything in more detail than anybody. This was an interesting challenge as I had to quickly swap between using the camera and tweeting while making sure I didn't miss a play. In the end I was able to tweet a lot more than I thought I could and get coverage for every single quarter to Twitter. I hope I can find more opportunities to do something like this in the future. If you want to see my string of live tweets, check out my school Twitter account below.

ONU Blog: It's The Little Things

I have always been one to appreciate little things. Tiny gifts? Love 'em. Small dogs? They have my heart. Bite-sized snacks? Easy pick. Short people? They're more on my level becasue I'm short for a guy! But what I more mean by "little things" is small details about everyday life. Things that people don't always pay attention to much. Those things mean the world to me.  When you're the kind of person who always try's to acknowledge the smallest details, when someone does the same it means so much. That is the boat I'm in. Many people I've met simply try to see the big picture of it all and leave the small things to be smoothed over. But when I approach something I try to take it piece by piece. Each piece may be small, but with time those small pieces make something big! It takes more time than blanket approach attitudes, but I've always been a "quality over quantity" person. For example, gifts. Big and impressive gifts are nice a